Many voices. One Flagrant.

Fixing a Common N+1 Query

ActiveRecord can be so seamless, that it can make something that’s relatively costly in the DB look cheap in terms of characters you need to type. One place where this crops up is in an N+1 Query. Set the scene Let’s say we have a common “Posts” with “Comments” structure of something. Here...

Fixing a Common N+1 Query

August 10, 2023

ActiveRecord can be so seamless, that it can make something that’s relatively costly in the DB look cheap in terms of characters you need to type. One place where this crops up is in an N+1 Query. Set the scene Let’s say we have a common “Posts” with “Comments” structure of something. Here

Delightful Reveal #30

August 7, 2023

“This is a nightmare of weirdness but it seems to work.” What we did: Had a meeting with Metis Communications to talk about how to let the world know we’re here. Looked forward and set SMART goals for the next six months for Valenzia, Jonathan B, and Jonathan G via Sticky Note

Flagrant at Code For America Summit 2023

June 6, 2023

Yossef and I recently attended the Code for America Summit 2023!  I first learned about the summit while chatting with Andrew on the topic of Civic Tech and wanted to learn about opportunities for Flagrant to become more involved. Jim looped in Yossef as the conference was within

Delightful Reveal #21

June 5, 2023

“I feel like some sort of seasonal gourd…” - overheard this week at Flagrant. What we did: Got the nod from a client to help with their branding across six different properties/applications Connected with a high school intern about potential summer work opportunities.