Flagrant's Team

From designing event branding for Ruby conferences and websites about the history of tech, to building training software for employees, we've put our finger-touches on a whole bunch of different products and services. Whatever you need, our team's here to help you build your next thing.

Our Collection of Weirdos

Fully remote within North America

What kind of software company hires a creative director who collects fart art, a writer who dabbles in mortuary science, a strategist who used to drive a cab and a developer who counseled children?

The kind that wants to keep squishy soul at the forefront of business. See how this Breakfast Club of problem-solvers thinks differently.

  • Headshot of Amanda Klusmeyer

    Manitowoc, WI

    Amanda Klusmeyer


  • Headshot of Chris Wilson

    Madison, WI

    Chris Wilson

    Senior Developer

  • Headshot of Cody Brooks

    Denver, CO

    Cody Brooks


  • Headshot of Glynnis Ritchie

    New Orleans, LA

    Glynnis Ritchie

    Principal Designer

  • Headshot of Jen Remsik

    Oxford, WI

    Jen Remsik

    Director of HR & Finance

  • Headshot of Jim Remsik

    Oxford, WI

    Jim Remsik

    Founder & CEO

  • Headshot of Jonathan Greenberg

    Black Mountain, NC

    Jonathan Greenberg

    Senior Developer

  • Headshot of Kelly Rauwerdink

    Madison, WI

    Kelly Rauwerdink

    Creative Director

  • Headshot of Lena Yen

    Brooklyn, NY

    Lena Yen

    Senior Product Designer

  • Headshot of Max Cerrina

    Madison, WI

    Max Cerrina

    Senior Developer

  • Headshot of Valenzia Cina

    Madison, WI

    Valenzia Cina


  • Headshot of Yossef Mendelssohn

    Shrewsbury, VT

    Yossef Mendelssohn

    Senior Developer


While we might not say we are hiring, we are always open to talk to cool people and see where you might blaze a new trail for us.

Let's Meet