Many voices. One Flagrant.

Delightful Reveal #42

“Great minds don’t bamboozle alike” What we did: (Soft-)Launched Madison Ruby 2024 website Attended RubyConf 2023 in San Diego! Guided Jarrod through his first conference and helped him craft a Lightning Talk which he presented Met and talked with a lot of talented early...

Delightful Reveal #42

November 20, 2023

“Great minds don’t bamboozle alike” What we did: (Soft-)Launched Madison Ruby 2024 website Attended RubyConf 2023 in San Diego! Guided Jarrod through his first conference and helped him craft a Lightning Talk which he presented Met and talked with a lot of talented early

Delightful Reveal #38

October 2, 2023

“You can’t scare me, I’m into math.” What we did: Signed an agreement to work with Metis Communications to help get the word out about about our people Represented at Friendly.rb, Your Friendly European Ruby Conference, in Romania Delivered a proposal to a nearly 50 year-old

Delightful Reveal #37

September 25, 2023

“My mind palace is too full of penguins to hold any user data.” What we did: Saw co-workers in person! Generated a Driver’s Citation Report to assist companies in keeping track of Driver Performance.  Added a User Action audit log to a client app Sketched ideas for a

Delightful Reveal #36

September 18, 2023

“I think we’re caught in an infinite honk loop.” What we did: Held a multi-product-team workshop focused on concept modeling, as well as a follow-up meeting. Identified shared questions and next steps. Held a research-alignment workshop to agree on the user needs we need to address

Delightful Reveal #31

August 14, 2023

We hosted a southern-themed potluck, delivered reports multiple times, and booked lodging for our Madison visitors. But what’s got us celebrating? Our new desk chair, funky little chive and cow pens, and sharing the magic of fantasy books with a thrilled seven-year-old listener before bed each