Many voices. One Flagrant.


Remember To Breathe.

January 24, 2022

Take a deep breath in . . . And a long breath out . . . . . How are you doing today? We’ve being doing some powerful work lately and this year is just getting started. I believe that in order to achieve those big dreams we envision, to reach global sustainability within our lifetime,

Unstuck Yourself.

September 1, 2021

We’ve all been there. You have a deadline or a goal that you, or perhaps your boss, desperately wants to meet. But when you sit down all that comes to mind is thoughts of an unending abyss filled with nothingness. We asked our team what things they do when they get stuck so hopefully you’ll

We Are Here.

November 2, 2020

Photo by K8 on Unsplash This has been an extraordinary and eventful year. For me it began with the passing of my father and was quickly followed by the fulfillment of a desire to build something new. Although Flagrant technically began in August of 2019 we weren’t able to get started in