Remember To Breathe.
What actions for your self care have you been enjoying lately?
Take a deep breath in
And a long breath out
How are you doing today?
We’ve being doing some powerful work lately and this year is just getting started. I believe that in order to achieve those big dreams we envision, to reach global sustainability within our lifetime, and to change our world it starts with you remembering to breathe.
The thoughts you think are real. The actions you take are real. The love and energy that you put out into the world by being and connecting and doing are real. And with real work comes real responsibilities to yourself and your own self care.
So, are you making time to breathe and care for yourself today?
If you need support, I invite you to take 3 deep breathes and write down 3 big self care goals you would like to achieve by the end of this month.
Est. time needed 2 min.
Now that you have your goals written down in front of you, it is up to you to prioritize your self care and take action to make your dreams real.
For inspiration, here are some of our self care goals for January 2022!
If you’re looking for a team to help you discover the right thing to build and help you build it, get in touch.
Published on January 24, 2022